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1/15 The Theresa Show, United South End Settlements, Boston, MA


12/14- Vessels, An Exhibition of Fiber Art, Nave Gallery Annex, Somerville, MA


11/14   SERIOUS PLAY! MAEA Members Exhibit ! Student Life Gallery, in the Kennedy Building, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.


6-9/14 "Art Educators of Massachusetts”Summer Juried Exhibit, MA State   Transportation Building, Boston, MA


1/14   The Theresa Show, United South End Sexttlements, Boston, MA


9/13  "Those who Can Teach", Spring Bull Gallery, Newport, RI


5/13-8/13, Boheme Art Space,  Warren, RI


5/13,  Art on the Farm: Sandywoods Artist Cooperative Group Exhibition  The Atrium Gallery- Providence, RI 


6/ 13  Artworks! Juried Member Exhibition, NewBedford, MA


6/13    RISD Summer Faculty Exhibition, Woods-Gerry Gallery, Providence, RI


4/2013       Faculty Exhibition, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA


4/2013       Salon 21, Juried Exhibition, Nave Gallery, Somerville, MA


4/2013       All about Records Center for the Arts, Taunton, MA


2013          RI Art Teachers Annual Exhibition, Krause Gallery Providence,RI


2012          Art on the Farm, Sandywoods Gallery Cooperative: Tiverton, RI


2012          Artists Gallery, RIAEA “Scraps” Conference, Salve Regina. RI


2012          BeMused, Artists Sale, Sandywoods Farm, Tiverton, RI


2012          Invitational show, Portsmouth Art Guilds, Portsmouth, RI.


2012          Juried in July-Juried exhibition, Sandywoods Gallery, Tiverton, RI


2012          Faculty Exhibition- RISD Woods Gerry Gallery. Providence, RI


2012          RI Art Teachers Annual Exhibition, Krause Gallery Providence,RI


2012          Co-op Member Exhibition, Sandywoods Gallery, Tiverton, RI


2011          Co-op Member Exhibition, Sandywoods Gallery, Tiverton, RI


2011-         Sandywoods Gallery Co-op member, Tiverton, RI


2010          Pages of Possibility, AS220, Project Space:Providence, RI


2009          RI Art Teachers Annual Exhibition, Krause Gallery Providence,RI


2000          AS220 Gallery- Solo Exhibition


1999          AS220 Gallery- Resident Exhibition


1999          AS220 Exchange Exhibition,Waiting Room Gallery: New Orleans


1999          AS220 Gallery- Solo Exhibition


1998          AS220 Gallery, Resident Exhibition


1998          AS220 Gallery, Free Range Chicks- Exhibition of Women’s Art


1998          Ginger’s Cafe- Wakefield, RI, Solo Exhibition


1998          Hera Gallery- Wakefield, RI, AS220 Group Exhibition


1998          Harwood Gallery- New Mexico, AS220 Exchange Exhibition


1996-97     AS220 -Exhibition of paintings in various galleries & shows

Past Exhibitions

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